Free, unless...
Both within penitentiary institutions (PIs) and outside, it is noticeable that the Dutch criminal justice system is bogged down. Due to understaffing in the police, the Public Prosecution Service (OM) and the judiciary, it takes a long time to get to the substantive hearing. Not to mention the duration of the appeal process. But besides understaffing, there are [...]
On witness testimony and the workings of memory
In many criminal cases, the prosecution uses witness statements that incriminate a defendant. For a lawyer, this is often a reason to question the witness in question. If the lying witness can be unmasked or if the statement proves to be unreliable, sometimes the supporting evidence can be under [...].
Child budget does not reduce child support need
When determining the maintenance owed by parents for their minor children, the child budget, including 'single parent's cap', should not be taken into account when determining the child's need. The child budget must be included in the calculation of the support capacity of the parent receiving the child budget. [...]
Indexation of alimony as of 1 January 2015: 0.8%
Alimony amounts will be increased by 0.8% with effect from 1 January 2015. This was announced by the State Secretary for Security and Justice. The indexation applies to amounts for both child and partner alimony. The increase applies automatically from 1 January 2015, by virtue of the law, unless, for example, a [...] in a divorce covenant.
Maastricht subdistrict court judge does not settle for a standard trope
For several years now, Maastricht subdistrict court judge Mr H. Staal has shown himself to be critical of collection claims brought before him. These are claims by creditors such as Vodafone and Ziggo, who hand over their bulk business to collection agencies. Those agencies, according to Mr Staal, leave quite a few stitches. On 1 October 2014, Intrum Justitia was thus [...]