Common criminal law

Common or general criminal law refers to what is known as classic criminal law. This covers a wide variety of offences such as money laundering, forgery, fraud and corruption.

A component of criminal law is deprivation proceedings. If the government believes that money has been made from crimes, it can proceed to deprive the unlawfully obtained benefit. As a lot of money may be involved, adequate assistance is essential.

Furthermore, assistance is provided in cases of suspect or witness hearings, assistance with seizures, submission of investigation requests and/or assistance at hearings. Assistance can be provided to all relevant bodies such as the Supreme Court, the European Court of Human Rights or the Court of Interlocutory Proceedings.
In the case of detention, clients are visited as much as necessary and the home front is kept informed as much as necessary and desired.

Where appropriate, we also assist (legal) persons who are victims of financial crime, such as fraud.